yay! as promised i finished this one on the drive from stone lab. what a great day we had for driving! sunny and warm, although a bit hazy on the lake. most of the day was spent driving about 125 miles from columbus to catawba point, where we caught a ferry to put-in-bay, which is on south bass island...you didn't know ohio had islands, did ya? i have heard them referred to as "the buckeye riviera". from there we drove (yeah we took the car on the ferry!) to the other side of the island to get to the bayview office for the lab, where we got a ride (via boat of course) to gibraltar island, where the lab building is located (sorry i don't have a pic of that!).
the whole reason for the trip up there was to close the stone lab library for the winter. the library is essentially a 16'x20' room filled with bookshelves. our main job in the 1.5 hours we were actually there was to gather the books loaned to the library from other OSU libraries, and reshelve the books that actually belong to stone lab but didn't get reshelved. i won't bore you with details, but since there were two of us, we got everything done in record time and actually made an earlier ferry back to the mainland, and therefore was able to beat rush hour traffic. i got home and promptly readied myself for a nap, which i thought would last no more than a couple of hours. however i was not inclined to get up so i stayed in bed until it was time to get up for work. i wasn't feeling well (girl-stuff and all the malaise that comes with it) but this morning i took 800mg of ibuprofen and i'm feeling fiiiiiiine!
All those FO! You're becoming a dishcloth expert.