Sunday, January 15, 2006

good sunday

what a way to spend a sunday! after dancing last night (i got home around 2:30am), i sat up for a while, knitting and watching "all in the family" reruns and knitting on the basic baby blanket. finally dragged myself to bed around 4am, slept soundly until, i dunno, 10-ish, then dozed off and on until noon. got up and went to get cozy on the couch in preparation to watch my STEELERS whip up on the COLTS. what a great game so far! i've been working on the left front piece of my cardigan and it's going well so far, except for the ribbing ending up being, or at least looking, a wee bit shorter than the ribbing on the back piece. how'd that happen? to rip or not to rip ... i vote for not :-)

i may end up going to a movie later ... i thought "the producers" would be a good one to see. i put a call in to my friend. left a message and haven't heard back yet, so ... i may end up staying cozy on the couch and getting a lot of knitting done!

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... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...