Wednesday, March 15, 2006

mz is still here

good lord i didnt realize it'd been so long since i've posted. and this ain't gonna be much of a post either cuz i am one tired homegirl!

on the gardening front: i got morning glories that are growing nicely. even the lavender is doing alright. the sweet pea is blooming, too. but still nothing in the spearmint pot. guess i'll have to give up on that and just buy it from a nursery this spring!

more later, taters. mz is sleepy!


  1. Hello there. Glad that I came across your blog. I understand that sometimes there is just no time to post. Your garden seems to be coming along nicely. I can't wait to see more knitted items.
    Knit on!

  2. Peace Eboni, I wish I was a Librarian! yeah, I wanna be one, but I'd have to get a Masters Degree just to apply!

    Oh well, take care! and stop by to see if you are a Yarnaholic!

    Take care.

  3. Flowers blooming it must be Spring somewhere, I would not know under all our snow :).

    Happy Spring MZ
    Amanda :)

  4. HEY!!!!!!!!! I got my package today! and I'll send u a gift {my way of saying thank you!} I took a picture of package {opened}, but it's gonna be a minute before I develop pictures. Cherry Red is one of my favorite "Reds" too!

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!! :)


... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...