it's tuesday. on tuesday nights i dance. so, there is a slim-to-none chance that i will hear my cell phone ring when i'm in a dance hall with a live (i.e. LOUD) band. i do check my phone from time to time to see whether i've missed any calls, honest i do. but don't get offended when i -don't- answer ... it AIN'T personal. i promise.
anyway, i've been waiting all day to show you what is on my needles:

this is a dishcloth for my momma. she requested a half dozen dishcloths for christmas. this is the first of the bunch. the others will most likely be made from patterns found here. oh, check out that pretty stitch marker ... i made it myself!
and with that my friends, mz is off to bed...gotta get that beauty sleep!
That would make a great scarf! I love dishcloths : )