last thursday i participated in a "survivor trivia" game with some of my library colleagues. there were 4 teams with 3 people each. the first half of the game 2 teams went head-to-head for 2 10-minute rounds. then the other two teams did the same (one of which was the team i was on). the winners of those rounds then went against each other for 2 15-minute rounds. the grand champion was MY TEAM!!! as part of our prize loot, the 3 of us received $15 gift cards for barnes & noble, along with bragging rights for the next year! i just got home from spending mine on knitting magazines (yeah like i -really- need to add to my pattern stash!). i got: cast on, family circle easy crochet, vogue knitting and creative knitting. YAY! now off i go for a quick shower (i had yoga class right before my shopping trip), then i'll peruse the magazines for a moment before i go to sleep.
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