Sunday, August 28, 2005

no time for knitting!

wow. mz has been one busy woman lately. between work, working out, and dancing, there hasn't been much time for knitting. i'm almost to the point that i'm almost done with my friend's clapotis, which i can't wait to finish so i can finally start mine. and i better get going on some christmas gifts too. a knitter's "work" is never done...!


  1. I was just thinking the other day that it's about that time to start working on those christmas gifts. Especially if I want my gift making to be non-stressful.

  2. Happy Belated B'day! 30 is a milestone, for sure. Sounds like you entered your 30s on a great note.

    Thanks for the ebay idea. I just might find a Kitchenaid for under $250!


... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...