Tuesday, February 08, 2005

i am SO geeked!

"we wanna be clap-o-TEE!" Posted by Hello

i've been jonesin' to knit clapotis for months. but i decided that i will NOT, i repeat, i will NOT, start anything else until i finish something. it's so hard to actually stick to that but i'm doin' it. so far. i only have like less than 18" left on the irish hiking scarf and can't wait to finish it, ideally in time for valentine's day. in my impatience, i was diggin' around in my stash today, looking for enough of something to make clapotis. wellllll i found it! i have over 55 ounces of a pretty variegated blue yarn. some no-name acrylic stuff (probably red heart) that i bought a few weeks ago from one of my LYS that only sells cotton and acrylic yarns by the ounce, and with no labels. swear to god. but there's usually tons of everything, and it's cheap enough. like someone said, acrylic has its place in the world. but i digress. the yarn was pretty, i had to have all of it, and i knew the perfect pattern would come along. clapotis is IT, baby!

my cell phone camera does not do it justice. it's got aqua and turquoise and lavender and lighter lavender...very calm. calm clapotis. can't WAIT!

if you are as in love with this as a lot of people are, you might consider joining the clapotis knitalong!


  1. love the color!! the clapotis is on my "too do" list as well..... I made the irish hiking scarf and loved the pattern!

  2. Hi Eboni,

    that's a gorgeous colourway. Can't wait to see what you do with it. I like your new blog name!
    Mary Anne

  3. Very creative! I don't know much about patterns, colors and knitting, but I like your blog!

  4. I love the variegated blue, I think it will look awesome as Clapotis. BTW, what LYS sells yarn by the ounce in Ohio? I'm in Columbus, is it nearby?

  5. Me very confused... Mzundercover under a different blog name? Still, lovely yarn for a lovely clapotis (and nice water bottle cozy, too). Methinks I'm boing to bookmark this blog instead of institches... or will you keep up with both?

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM GMT-5

    Hey Eboni --

    I'm in Columbus too! What LYS sells yarn by weight??

  7. We're supposed to finish projects? ;)

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  9. Ebony, have you begun your clapotis yet? I would love to see how it looks with those beautiful colors.

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  14. I continue to be astounded at knitting blogs. This one was a delight to read. Please check out my site, www.fabulousyarn.com. If you want any of my yarns, email me and I'll get em to you at cost. I mean, what the heck, I didnt' even know what clapoti meant!


  15. Anonymous3:45 PM GMT-5

    Hi Eboni,
    I love that color--I have started a skirt with that same variegation. Yep, it's Red Heart!
    Take care,


... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...