Thursday, February 21, 2008

before and after

i am SO excited.

yesterday i went to target and got these wire cube organizer thingies. i figured it was time to do something with my stash so it didn't look such a bleepin' mess. i have acquired so much yarn over the years, and mostly it sat in bins, overflowing. i never knew exactly what i had because i couldn't even see the stuff at the bottom of the bins. here's the before pics:

and here's the result of an evening of hard work:

isn't it lovely? that little corner of my bedroom feels like a freakin' yarn shop! now i'm not sure what to do with the 2 empty bins that i have. i don't have any room for storage, but maybe my best friend will be able to use them. she and her hubby are preparing to sell their house so maybe she can use the bins to store some of the stuff they want to keep. i dunno, but since my stash is so freakin' organized now, i don't need 'em!

for the most part, i sorted first by fiber, then by weight. it's not perfect but i'm gonna do like tim gunn says, and "MAKE IT WORK!"

anyway, if you want to get some of these bins, get thyself over to your local target store. they are on sale this week, you get a set of six cubes for $12.99 ... not a bad deal.

and now, maybe i can get a little knitting or crocheting in before i go to bed.

nighty night, amigos!



  1. a store! now that would encourage me to knit from stash cuz I'd feel like I was shopping, versus rummaging through my trunk.

  2. Now that is very nice :D

  3. I think it's very impressive! I think I need to hurry on over the target to get me a little something

  4. Way to go with your storage solution!

  5. Nice organizing. You can actually shop your own stash, ingenious:D

  6. Your storage looks great. Don't you just love Target? I bought the fabric cubes for yarn storage on my shelving unit.

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM GMT-5

    Long time no hear/read from stranger! :)
    The columns look nice, but right now, I'd be happy with the "Before-BiNs" {and some left-over yarn. ;) after all, it is time for spring cleaning.

  8. Too much is too much :)


... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...