Friday, March 25, 2005


The NEWEST librarian at The Ohio State University!!!!!!!!

I am so pleased and honored to let y'all know that the Diversity Resident position that I applied, interviewed, waited and prayed for was officially offered to me today. It is a wonderful opportunity that I have known about and waited 3 years to apply for. This is my proverbial "foot in the door" and I will enjoy every minute of it. I was informed that if permanent positions become available during my 2-year appointment, I am welcome to apply and interview for them. I do look forward to one day enjoying a full-time, permanent tenure-track position with the University. Right now though, I am just incredibly humbled and thankful for this opportunity. Each of your prayers, good thoughts and positive vibes has sustained me through this process, which for the last 3 weeks has been nothing but waiting. Those of you who know me know that I am not the world's most patient person, but I
know that waiting on the Lord results in abundant blessings.

I am told I may start as soon as April 11, which is 2 weeks from Monday. Seems like there is an awful lot going on all at once, but I think I thrive on being busy. I don't have time to be bored, that's for sure!

Now...I'm going home to take a celebratory NAP!


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM GMT-5

    congrat's! I'm really happy for you!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Good for you : ) Get a lot of knitting done in those 2 weeks before you start.

  4. That's great! I'm glad it all worked out. Have fun in your new job and enjoy it.

  5. Well, congrats my dear. Now take me out to dinner to celebrate ;)


... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...